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edith stein artinya

contoh kalimat "edith stein"
  • edith stein
  • Playwright Arthur Giron wrote Edith Stein, a play that was inspired by Stein's life.
    Dramawan Arthur Giron menulis Edith Stein, sebuah drama yang terinspirasi oleh kehidupan St. Teresa.
  • In 1979, the newly elected Polish Pope John Paul II celebrated mass on the grounds of Auschwitz II to some 500,000 people, and announced that Edith Stein would be beatified.
    Pada 1979, Paus Yohanes Paulus II dari Polandia, yang baru saja terpilih, merayakan misa di halaman Auschwitz II bagi sekitar 500.000 orang.
  • In his 2007 thesis, "The Philosophical Contributions of Edith Stein", John C. Wilhelmsson argues that Stein influenced the work of Husserl significantly during this period.
    Dalam tesisnya pada tahun 2007, "The Philosophical Contributions of Edith Stein", John C. Wilhelmsson berpendapat bahwa Stein memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan pada karya tulis Husserl selama periode ini.
  • In June 2009 the International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein (IASPES) was founded, and held its first international conference at Maynooth University, Ireland in order to advance the philosophical writings of Stein.
    Pada bulan Juni 2009, International Association for the Study of the Philosophy of Edith Stein (IASPES) didirikan, dan mengadakan konferensi internasional pertamanya di Maynooth University, Irlandia, dalam rangka memajukan tulisan-tulisan filosofis dari St. Teresa.